Monday, February 18, 2013

About RadGlam & Merissa

Disclosure Policy: If I'm reviewing an item provided as a "press sample," I'll indicate thus at the beginning of the post. My reviews are always, as the tagline says, brutally honest. If you're a beauty distributor who'd like me to review your product(s), do drop me a line: mhrc137 at

The Blog: "Radioactive Glamour" is pretty much a nail blog. I'm a well-rounded beauty maven, but nail polish is my real hobby in that arena. I originally intended to use RadGlam as a way to keep my beauty blatherings off social media, since not everyone there is interested, but I've failed in that as I'm still posting mani pics to Facebook. I still love the idea of my own beauty blog, though, and think it's worth doing.

Specifically, I wear whatever appeals to me (usually low-end because I'm cheap); only occasionally does that intersect with what's trendy. I'm not the type to post daily because, quite simply, I usually wear a manicure until it chips or shows tipwear. I do occasionally go a week, or even a few months, without painting my nails. Furthermore, my polish application and photography skills are both pretty amateur. Why should you bother keeping up with "Radioactive Glamour?" I'm quirky, so it's quirky by proxy, and perhaps even refreshing in a way.

The Woman: Merissa, 29, native to and living in Dallas, Texas, USA. I've also lived in San Francisco and Toronto, and dream of living in (or at least re-visiting) Hawaii, Alaska, and New Mexico, as well as Canada's Great Bear Lake, Southeast Asia, Australia, and Scandinavia. I work as an administrative assistant for a nonprofit. I identify as Pre-Sectarian Buddhist and politically socialist. I'm a perfectionist who values neatness and a minimalist aesthetic, if only as a foil to the chaos within. I'm a science enthusiast, particularly physics. I've been a hardcore PC gamer since 1993 and have also adopted the XBOX 360; I love FPS and action RPGs, but also Starcraft Brood War (Zerg: For the Swarm, baby!), Ragnarok Online and, somewhat embarrassingly, MapleStory. I listen to most genres of music, but especially industrial, heavy metal, and opera. I read and write copiously and possess a sardonic gallows humor that you either love or hate. I like unsweet iced tea, cats, Thai food (at the authentic heat level), and orchids. I'm easygoing but fairly reserved; if you call me 'princess', I'm not likely to be offended either way. Think the Cyberpunk Church Secretary, and you're on the right track.

The Legend: I got nothin', sorry.

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